Friday 29 July 2011

North to Fort St John British Columbia

       Lunch along the way.
We are happy to say the "pickup" worked well as she soared up even the highest hills. On the flat, the engine was running at 1600rpm, hardley working. It was surprising as we made our way farther and farther north that the farming was still  with us. Forest then rolling farm land, mostly crops and by far the yellow fields of canola are the majority. Acording to the net, Canola was derived from Rape seed by Canadians in the early 70s. Rape seed contained cholesteral and harmful fats. The Canola seed makes healthy oil. Canada is one of the biggest producers of Canola oil in the world. Perhaps a wonderful side benefit is the millions of acres growing in the west and still all the way up to Fort St John BC.

We passed through Dawson Creek British Columbia and mile zero of the Alaska Highway. At Taylor, we came down a horrificly, steep and long hill down to cross the Peace River. Taylor was on the river. As we went ...very slowly, down the hill the view was the most spectacular yet, except for the fact that there were no guard rails between us and the abiss far below. I yelled at Bev, "get the camera"! Bev was hanging on for dear life and we got no pictures.

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