Friday 22 July 2011

Brandon Manitoba to Saskatchewan/Alberta Border.

We were in the middle of a heat wave, 35c, but AC saved us. From Brandon to Maple Creek where we stayed next, close to the Alberta border was very interesting. We had just come from six days of Canadian forests, with endless lakes and rocks, which was beautiful, but this was a nice change of scenery. Many people, who have never driven the prairies, say how they would never drive across the prairies, as it is flat and boring. This is our third trip across the beautiful Canadian prairies. It is not all flat, as there are many low rolling grass covered hills. I know there were hills as it took second gear to get us up at 80kph for as long as 10k. Not steep, but long and add the west wind in your face and Ford was working hard.
We would drive for many miles and occasionally see a few head of beef cattle scattered across the gentle hills. Once we were into Alberta we saw very large herds, of two to three hundred head. Naturally we also saw miles of Wheat and other such crops.

Gas stations were few and far between as were the tiny villages. We seldom saw farms as we know them in Ontario; house, barn and out buildings, we saw none of those. I know that most "ranches" in the west are in the thousands of acres, but where do the ranchers live? We saw now houses! 

Our Camsite was in a huge park with very few campers. Lots of grass and trees. The office and courtyard were done in a Bahamas design, complete with palm trees, tiled floors and lots of pictures of sunny white sand beaches giving a holiday feeling. Tomorrow morning it is just a short drive to cross into Alberta And north to Drumheller for more new experiences.

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