Saturday 23 July 2011

More of Drumheller

Our third experience here inDrumheller was the Bad Lands Passion Play. As I mentioned before, this is the Canadian Bad Lands. The play is in its twentieth year of presenting the Easter Story. There are 220 performers and only two are professional actors, all the others are volunteers, some have volunteered for many years. The play is presented outside in the midst of the HooDoos. The performers, dressed for the times, looked very realistic as they walked between and over the hills. You could very well imagine them in Isreal 2,000 years ago. All of the storys and miracles were covered and all of the performers were appreciated for their fine acting, by the 800 or so people sitting there. No one was allowed to take pictures during the performance, which was a shame. There would have been many great shots. One would be at the end of the play when on the tops of all the hills which surrounded us were perhaps 50 people in white representing Angels. That of course followed the scene of Jesus high on the cross. As he hung there the sun was setting behind us and the crosses were half in sun and half in the shade. Whether a believer or not, it was a wonerful presentation. The crosses can be seen on the right half way up the hill.
We have enjoyed our stay here in the Bad Lands, the weather has been near perfect, just a couple of small thunder storms during the evening. The Hot weather did not follow us here, 17c yesterday and other than that we have enjoyed 24c average and bright sunshine.

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