Tuesday 2 August 2011

After Fort Nelson BC

Once leaving Fort Nelson the roads became narrow and  usually no shoulder on the side of the road and the hills much higher, steeper and in most cases no guard rails. It is amazing how they blast the road out of the side of the rocky mountains.
As we drive for the next two days we see the ever changing scene before us. Some may say it is repetative, same old same old. To us there is always the excitement as to what is over the next hill; and there are many of them. As we crest each hill we see before us a carpet of green forest, rolling over the lower hills. Cutting through the lush green carpet we see our road ahead for many kilometers, twisting and turning, now you see it then you don't as it twists behing a hill, but then there it is winding it's way up the next great hill. Soon we will be at that hilltop, and another much different view ahead of us.
We steam along in our "Big Blue", bouncing along on the frost buckling roads. We are still doing 100k down and 80k up so not bad.

The wildlife we encountered was far greater than we could have imagined. The herd of Bison had to be in the neighbourhood of 100, as they were spread along the highway for more than 1/2 a mile and both sides. We think we encountered an Elk family and there were Stone sheep grazing on gravel. The black bears were enjoying the red raspberries. There were many black bears to be seen, including one across the road from our camp.

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