Tuesday 6 September 2011

Port Hardy, British Columbia

From the beach at Port Hardy

                                                                    Pretty park at the beach in Port Hardy

Even Port Hardy had Totem Poles. They were in every place we visited in BC, telling the history of the local Indian tribes. Some of them, like this one were painted in bright colours and were really very attractive. 

     We landed in Port Hardy at about 11.30pm. Obviously we were last off the ship, as we were last on, so it was midnight when we drove off the ship. I read the directions to the park where we were to stay and drove down the dark road, that I thought was in the right direction. Well we had a difference of opinion as to whether we should have turned left or right at the intersection. I over ruled and turned the rig left. Well it did not take long to realize we were going the wrong way, Bev reminded me. Pitch black, forest on each side and how far would we need to go to find a place to turn around? We could be hours. Most often we have driven for 50 to 100 km without a cross road or a driveway large enough to turn around in. Luck was on my side that night and we soon came upon a sideroad wide enough for us to turn around. No need to be concerned with traffic, who else would be on that deserted road at that time of night? We drove back into Port Hardy and easily found our park. The owner was in the office waiting for us. Quickly checked in and set up the trailer with electric and water. By now it was 1 am and time for some well earned sleep.

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