Sunday 4 September 2011

Ferry to Port Hardy

Since it was required to be at the ferry dock by 5.30am for a 7.30 departure, we decided to camp at the ferry dock. No rush in the morning. We were in company with one other trailer. When I took Cassie out at about 5.45am there were lots of them in line. Most of them were little motorhomes which were rented. In all our travels we have never seen so many, as we have in Yukon and Northern British Columbia. When it was time to drive onto the ship, of course, we were last. Cassie stayed in the trailer for the 16 hours and we were allowed to take her out on the car deck every three hours or so for 15 minutes. 

Almost ready to leave. Not many on board only 50 vehicles in total, she was built for 120. The price has almost doubled since last year and they measured us at 50ft........ The route through the islands was beautiful, even though we had lots of cloud cover. The route is about 300miles. Departure from Prince Rupert was at 7.30am and we arrived in Port Hardy at 11.30pm.
The map showes the route through the islands.

Fishing boats off Bella Bella where we stopped to pickup and drop off passengers and cargo. Bella Bella is one of the many isolated villages along the coast. Access is only by boat or fly in.
It was a long day, but a great day.

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