Tuesday 24 January 2012

Around the park in January

 The Trumperer Swans arrived here in November and stay near the park. At low tide the flats supply a smorgasbord of sea food for them as well as the Eagles and of course the countless gulls.

Below, the sunrise appears to change their colour.

All was well in Paradise until................

 Cassie loved to run through the soft powdery snow. It stayed for almost three days, going down to -4 each night.

That hopefully was our winter.............

For our monday morning hike one week, we had a guide take us birding. We went through the park and along the Nanaimo river which boarders the park.

 It was cool, but with no wind it was good to be out.
                                                                   A Hairy Woodpecker

This week, January,23, for our hike we drove 60km south, through Duncan, then 15 km west into the interior to Shawnagan Lake. It was a far different scene than in the park. The snow we had in the park is long gone, so we were surprised to see so much there. At first look, we thought we would not do the hike, as the trail was quite icy, but being a group of tough, stubborn seniors, off we went. If the truth was known, our main purpose for the hike, was the pub lunch after, so we were motivated. Most of us have good hiking boots and poles with ice tips which were very helpful.
Actually the real reason, besides the pub lunch, was to see the Kinsol Trestle Bridge. It is a one mile hike to the bridge, which was enough on the icy trail. The bridge was completed in 1920 and the last train to cross it was in 1979. In 2007 the provincial government commited 4.1 million dollars to restore the bridge and that was completed in the summer of 2011. It is 144ft high and 617 ft long, making it the largest wooden trestle bridge in the commonwealth and one of the longest in the world. It now forms a link for the 16,000km Trans Canada, which is the longest trail in the world. the Vancouver Island portion is suitable for hiking, horseback riding and cycling. 

Watch your step!
                                                Made it to the bridge
                                              Most of the bridge is new
 We went part way to the bottom, but will wait for better conditions to go all the way. 

And now for the prize, a well earned drink

Monday 16 January 2012

Good start to the new year

                New Year dawned beautifully with this spectacular sunrise over the                                          Nanaimo River beside the park.
                                             Tidal pool near the park
                                                 Tuesday card night
                    Geocaching with a friend in the Nanaimo River estuary Jan 1,2012
                                              It was a beautiful day.........
                               Hiking group on Neck Point trail in Nanaimo
Sailboats are a common sight
                                                     Some rough trails.......
Rugged coast
Some flat trails too
Fallen trees can be a challenge for someseniors
                                           Rest a while and enjoy the scene
                                         No place for bad knees or hips
                                                        Harbour seal
                                                          Great views
The weather has been kind to us and we have been on many hikes. We still have had no snow and very little rain since November, for which we are thankful. Vancouver has recently had lots of snow.

Monday 9 January 2012

A Good December in The Living Forest

          Happy New Year to everyone!!

Sailing and crabbing, Nanaimo Harbour
        December was good for us in the Living Forest. We certainly missed our family, but we had many good chats with them all via Skype. Christmas Carols are nice and we certainly heard lots. We had a great Carol sing here in the park on the 12th. About 50 of us gathered at the outside cafe that overlooks the water to sing with a three piece band leading. Food will always get seniors out and a wide variety of goodies, along with hot drinks, was supplied by the park. It was a clear and cold night, about zero, with a perfect full moon and calm winds.
         There were carols at every church service of course, and we thoroughly enjoyed a Christmas Concert there which included 11 award winning choirs from Nanaimo and area. They were truly amazing. Also, one of the couples in the park asked us to join them at an intimate little gathering made up of Nanaimo song writers. Eight musicians sat in a circle and took turns singing their songs. They all included a Christmas Carol. Most played guitars and one played a long neck banjo. I say it was intimate as there were only 8 of us in the audiance to enjoy the music. The musicians get together monthly for a jam session and anyone can come, no charge and free coffee and cookies. We will go again in January. We enjoyed all the Christmas music.

        Carol Singing at the park Cafe     
          The park also supplied two turkeys and a large ham for our pot luck Christmas dinner Dec 19, which saw about 60 of us there for the feast. Oh the desserts........... Christmas Day we went to friends for dinner and an evening of cards. To end off the year about 20 of us met in the club house new years eve for an evening of cards. Oh yes and eating. Ten of the folks left about 11pm and the rest of us watched the new year in on a big screen TV. The lights were out in the hall by ten past midnight.
                                       Christmas dinner in the park clubhouse
                          Departure Bay beach, Nanaimo.                               
                                      The Christmas store in Chemainus
                                        Lots of sun, no snow for Christmas
                                      Holly tree with Christmas decorations
                                    Church Nativity play, (happy Joseph)
December was unusually dry and sunny. We drove down to Chamainus, about 30 minutes, for a stroll through the shops. We had lunch again at Barnacle Barney's fish and chips (and Chinese). Last time we had the best chinese ever there, this time we enjoyed the Halibut and chips. We discovered Departure Bay beach and had a walk there. Every Monday morning we hike with the park group, but also walk along the Nanaimo harbour often.
On the fishing pier, besides fish, they  catch Dungines crabs in small nets. They put chicken necks in the net and throw it about 50 to 70 feet out. In about 15 minutes they pull it in with the crabs. There is a minimum size to keep, so many get tossed back into the sea to grow up. A friend of ours caught 36 one afternoon, which included three beautiful legal size crabs. They are $12 each in the store. 

                        Life is good in Nanaimo.......