Tuesday 10 May 2011

Planning and preparation

Well the planning is complete for our newest venture, now we are up to our armpits making it happen. Moving out of beautiful Blair Villas was difficult but necessary to enable us to live this newest adventure. By now we have sold or given away much of our belongings and the remainder will go into storage for when we eventually return. I have flashes of doubt whether we should do this again, for the third time, or maybe just find a comfortable rocking chair and relax on the front porch. But that is not us, so off we go again. The plan is to drive our van and trailer to the Yukon, leaving Cambridge July,4,11. We hope to spend a month in the Yukon before making our way South down the Cassiar Highway, 760km to Prince Rupert. From there we will board a BC Ferry for a 16 hour trip through the coastal islands to Port Hardy at the northern tip of Vancouver Island. September 1 hopefully will see us in Parksville, on the east coast of Vancouver Island, then October 1 to Nanaimo, just 30 miles south, where we have a campsite reserved for 8 months.
More to come in the weeks ahead.